
VEGELAB  @ Maxim Cheras

VEGELAB @ Maxim Cheras

VEGELAB  @ Maxim Cheras
VEGELAB  @ Maxim Cheras
VEGELAB  @ Maxim Cheras




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VEGELAB  @ Maxim Cheras


Vegelab aims to help raise awareness and consciousness for the food we eat, encourages responsible and healthy eating lifestyle. This is a movement that promotes a vegetarian diet to increase the health and wellness for both ourselves and our planet.

From Western vegetarian and vegan-friendly to Malaysian cuisine, these dishes are prepared using the freshest ingredients sourced. Vegelab takes pride in using quality ingredients in our dishes. Olive oil is used in all our salad dressing and pasta, just to name a few. In Vegelab, we are careful in selecting our ingredients ensuring that the ingredients used are suitable for vegetarians and vegans in particular. There are more than 40 dishes on our menu and all dishes served contain NO ONIONS AND NO GARLIC. As per our vegan-friendly dishes, there are NO DAIRIES NOR EGGS used in preparing these dishes.

We sincerely hope that by creating an array of delicious vegetarian and vegan-friendly dishes in our cafe, it may attract and encourage more diners to go meatless for the betterment of all.

Advocates of delicious responsible eating.
Love Food, Love Lives, Love our Planet